Trolley elevators

Trolley-mounted forklifts are suitable for slow work cycles, with large product variability and a small footprint in the factory.


Technical features:

  • Ideal for confined spaces and machine interiors.
  • Adaptable to different types of load.
  • Suitable for limited productivity below 12 drives/min (depending on height difference).




Trolley elevators behave like goods lifts: they are equipped with a single shelf which, once loaded and ready, departs to transport the product, or products, to the desired height.

The shelf can be a conveyor, in which case loading and unloading will take place longitudinally, or an inert shelf, in which case devices, typically pneumatic, will be required to perform the operations.

The height difference to be covered limits the number of cycles the machine can perform, along with other factors such as product weights and dimensions. Indicatively, we can consider a maximum number of 12 operations per minute, although typically there are also fewer.

Again, these are devices that find application in a specific niche, for when they are less susceptible to format changes, they only make sense in cases where there are layout requirements that dictate their use.